TaskBox 3.20 9 August 1997 New features: 3.20: - now have true multiple select( CTRL+mouse button click) - task buttons can be vertical( makes is look tidier if stuck to the side of the screen! ) changed: 3.20: - TaskBox is properly multi-threaded with all the taskdata being collected in a different thread to the window procedures( this should make this more resistant to other programs crashing( or blocking the message queue). - the taskbox never gains focus - ALT+left mouse button is now used to simulate middle mouse button clicks - /SILENT_EXIT is no longer needed - /TITLE:* now changes window list entry name 3.21: - "auto-task top" now also move's the TaskBox to the top Bugs fixed: 3.21: - move, size, && "auto-task top" now work( broken in ver 3.20 ) - no longer leaves image of taskbox( on the screen) after closing - fixed a couple of problems (with random crashing) due to variables not being initialised to the correct values - add class's "wpFolder frame" & "EFrame" to be treated as frames( so cascade, tile will work on them) - when prompted if wanted to kill task, if 'cancel' is selected doesn't ask again for about 30 seconds - wasn't telling modules to save settings 3.20: - No longer eats memory up at a ridiculous rate( I'm still not sure what was causing this but I think it must have had something to with the hooks as when I rewrote the code for them the problem vanished). - taskbuttons are now sized according to the size of the font and icon Older stuff: New since V3.10: - modified the tboxhook.dll to limit the amount of memory used - made active task button a bit brighter New since V3.09: - a lot more options - button is depressed for active task - changed the way the tasks are collected( now only update when a window is activated and when titlebars text is changed) New since V3.08: - fixed problem with settings for actiavtion bar not always being saved New since V3.07: - fixed problem with TaskBox not always being shown - made /SILENT_EXIT default with watch, as if /SILENT_EXIT isn`t specified and taskbox locks up the watcher thread fails to terminate taskbox - cured a problem with taskbox trapping when it runs out of memory - modified the way tasks list are updated New since V3.06: - cured a problem ( the dreaded SYS3175) with TaskBox losing focus on warp 3( without fixpack 17) - added a few more settings due to requests from various people - changed "auto task top" to work correctly - gave the activation bar the same name as the TaskBox so it will work better with multiple desktop utilities( works with PC2, PageMage, MegaDesk) also added /TITLE:* option to give TaskBox an alternative name( as it was annoying me that with PC2 any window with TaskBox in title remained sticky and this allows a unique name, eg. "/TITLE:zxcvbnm" ) NB: window list entry isn`t changed - corrected problem with resize/move ignoring keyboard - corrected problem with bubbles covering window - corrected problem with module box sizeing routine New since V3.05: - added /WC option to activate warpcenter( Warp 4) ( or LaunchPad ( prev versions) when mouse moves over activation bar New since V3.04: - added an option to allow running at different priorities /P:?:* where ? is one of I,R,F,T( inorder of increasing priority) and * is a number between -31 & +31 - added a /SYNC and /ASYNC option which affect the order in which message`s are processed to check if one works better than the other - cured a problem which caused a lockup when dos/windows apps were started New since V3.03: - fixed problem with a menu operation being used for multiple tasks even though only one task was selected. - fixed problem with newline characters not being converted to spaces - fixed a couple of other minor bugs New since V3.02: - added multiple select - added tile/cascade option - added auto-raise feature - moved common code into ka_crtm.dll to check the version of this file type BLDLEVEL KA_CRTM.DLL - changed activation bar so that when TaskBox active it doesn`t block it - fixed problem with sizing routine New since V3.01: - hopefully fixed probs with random crashes, had thought version 3.00 had cured it but was incorrect - fixed probs with presparams not being saved New since V3.00: - got rid of the clock( had got alot of complaints about the fact you couldn't turn it off ) - fixed problem with it crashing when selecting lockup - fixed problem with random crashes due to memory access violations( SYS3175 errors) - improved the resizing routine. - I now allow you to add programs to the removed list in the settings book. - added a module box( so modules can have windows on the TaskBox and not just entries on menu's ) Note: This is not necessarily a complete list of bugs fixed/new features.